I have struggled with writing a newsletter that I believe might be of interest to others.  The old “what could I possibly have to say that someone else hasn’t already said” dilemma.  So, it occurred to me (momentarily) to give ChatGPT a try.  I say momentarily because it took only a moment to remember exactly who I am and that the ethical implications of the use of ChatGPT were just a little too edgy for my taste.

You see, I believe that there really are no original ideas – rather there are new and provocative ways of evaluating, sharing, and expanding on the thoughts of those who precede us.  Therefore, from my understanding of ChatGPT, its use is simply regurgitating what has gone before – nothing new and provocative about that!

Is ChatGPT simply plagiarism?  If so, its use is not only potentially illegal, but the ethical implications cannot be ignored.

I am fond of studying ethics and integrity.  I strive to do the right thing.  Always.  As a member of the Institute of Real Estate Management – a professional Institute founded with ethics as its cornerstone – I have pledged to uphold its Code of Ethics.  Further, I facilitate the Institute’s Ethics Curriculum for IREM’s members around the United States.

With that said, I find myself questioning the use of ChaptGPT to help me write my newsletter using IREM’s 5 question method:

  1. Is it Illegal?
  2. Who is affected?
  3. What are the consequences?
  4. How do you feel?
  5. Have you examined the alternatives?

I will unpack these one by one…..

  1. Is it Illegal? No, not currently.
  2. Who is affected? Certainly, I would be affected knowing that I published something that wasn’t mine.  My readers would be affected thinking that I had written something that I had not —- would foster a sense of distrust.  The originating authors would be affected knowing I had “stolen” their thoughts.
  3. What are the consequences? As stated above, a sense of distrust.  Potentially, an accusation of plagiarism which could affect me legally AND the ability to maintain my membership in the Institute.
  4. How do I feel? I feel that the use of ChatGPT is a line that I don’t want to cross.  My “gut” says don’t do it.
  5. Have you examined the alternative? Yes, indeed.  The alternative is that – no matter how uncomfortable I may feel putting myself – my own thoughts and feelings and words – out there for the world to see —- it beats the alternative of feeling like a fraud.

Suffice it to say that whether you found this interesting or provocative, it IS my own work.  And I will continue to write and shar what I hope will be of benefit to you. To your curiosity and your growth.  And to helping you to discover your inner self and drive and supporting your bloom…..and your desire to pay it forward to help others.



“Do the right thing, and then one more”




Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@norevisions?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">No Revisions</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/kmz39UAtKZ0?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
No Limits to What we can DO


I woke the other morning with the knowledge that I felt compelled to write about intuition and faith.  And so I did.  And since that morning a few days ago, I have come across at least three different media sources writing about Intuition this month as well.  Odd.  I must have “just known” what this month would bring!

So, at the risk of being trite, I will share my thoughts around Intuition.  Third Eye.  Gut Feeling. I just know.  Instinct. Faith Hunch. Inner Wisdom.  Deep Sense of Self. Awareness.  6th Sense. Mindfulness.  Guardian Angels.  A gentle Whisper. God’s Peace to me.

Einstein is quoted as saying, “the intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.”  Our ability to sense rather than think logically in a situation is worthy of attention.  And is an ability (scientists have researched) that can be developed through time spent in developing ourselves.

My younger self knew I had no “gut instinct”.  And as I have have grown and dedicated daily time spent focused on personal growth and development, my inner wisdom has grown.  Sometimes I refer to my instincts as my “super powers”.  In business, I “just know” when a client needs to hear from me.  In my personal life, I am mindful and aware of how I choose to spend my time – when I choose well, I am at peace.  And when I don’t, my mind and body react with anxiety and worry.

Self awareness/Personal development is a journey – not a destination (I know, this is trite, as well)….by using a small amount of time each day focused on yourself, you will begin to feel the benefits of that deep sense of self that enables you to “just know” the right thing to do…without scrutinizing each outcome through logic.

Buy yourself some peace with only the cost of a bit of time…be intentional about YOU.

Intentionally yours,



At the IREM Global Summit in Ft. Lauderdale a few years ago, I spent some amazing quality time with other IREM members.  As we shared stories of our professional lives, I spoke of having a dream.  Yes, I developed my “I have a dream!” speech.

My dream?  To shift the profession of Property Management from a profit only centric profession to one that is equally as human centric. To develop leaders in our industry to care about our teams, our clients, and our renters and tenants as highly as our predecessors have cared about their profits and their egos.  A popular observation?  No, I am sure not.  And as we look at business from a historical perspective, not just property management, that was where the rubber met the road.

Maxwell and Teaching

Later the same year I attended a week long Leadership Development immersion with the John Maxwell Team where I earned a certification in Coaching, Speaking, and Training.  I developed a hunger for personal and leadership growth and development that excites me every single day.

To that end, I offer Master Mind Groups to emerging (and experienced!) leaders in Property Management as we study books written by John C. Maxwell.  Books such as “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth”, “Failing Forward”, “Leadershift”, “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect”, and “Developing the Leader Within”.  My personal growth and development has made me a better leader within my organization, for IREM, and for the property management industry at large.

I currently serve in my second term as the President of the Southern California Rental Housing Association where I have been a member for more than 20 years.  I am the Immediate Past President of IREM San Diego where I served two terms as President (2019 and 2020).   I serve on the IREM Ethics Committee, as an IREM Instructor, and an Ethics Facilitator.  I have served the REstart® program since its inception in 1999 .  REstart® is a training and development program that empowers situationally disadvantaged individuals to a new start by teaching them a version of RES201 that was written for this audience by amazing individuals at IREM HQ.

I am a National Apartment Association Facilitator and teach classes for CAM®, CAPS®, and CALP®.




January 18, 2021 CoachingConsulting0

We are in our third week of 2021.  The pandemic continues.  Social unrest continues.  Finger pointing and blaming and shaming continue.  How are you navigating? How are you spending your time? How are you leading yourself emotionally?

Time is malleable.  It can be measured and it can be observed to fit whatever we want into it….sleeping, eating, working, participating in social media, drinking, exercising, reading, working on a hobby, immersing ourselves into the news on TV?   Which of the activities that you choose to spend your time serve you?  To be clear, they each serve you…in one way or another. Are you aware of how each serves you – positively or negatively?

In his book, “Help! I work with People”, Author Chad Veach discusses a leader’s need to identify and lead one’s emotions.  “In order to control your emotions, you need to first identify them and then be INTENTIONAL about leading them rather than following them.”  As John Maxwell has said, the most difficult person to lead is oneself.  So where do you start?

Be an observer and witness how your time spent makes you feel.  When you are “enjoying” social media – are you really enjoying it?  Or are you experiencing increasing anxiety?  When you watch the news…are you engaged and learning?  or are you fearful and withdrawing?  When you are eating — are you eating for sustenance or are you eating for comfort?  How much of your time are you spending completely unaware of how you are feeling while you are spending your time?

As an observer, you have the ability to witness first hand how you respond to the world around you.  I might suggest you keep a mini-journal about what you observe.  Keep track for a few days and then go back and review.  What caused you the most pain?  What caused you the most pleasure?  What do you want to experience more?  How do you replicate what you desire?  How do you avoid what you dislike?

Growth is a desire to develop the mental and emotional fortitude to successfully lead yourself — and others!  Understanding the triggers that affect your emotions and choosing to lead your emotions rather than following them is a great step in personal growth.  To self evaluate and lead yourself on how you spend your time is a gold mine.

How are you leading yourself Emotionally?

Reflect on how you are feeling right now.  Have I triggered something inside you that compels you to action?  Or is this something you will just scan and scroll past because of all of the other input you are receiving?  Our time is valuable.  Our intentions are valuable.  Our world and our ability to shift and change it is valuable.  What we do is seen…but our children, by our grandchildren.  What they see, they will carry forward.  Choose your time and your leadership well.

Should you find yourself in need of assistance in finding your triggers and your stepping stones to growth and self leadership, ask for help!  Find a therapist, a clergy person, or a coach (depending on your need) and don’t be afraid.  Sometimes, the pain of staying where you are far outweighs the fear of doing something new. Feel the fear and do it anyway.  Remember, courage is not the absence of fear – it is feeling the fear and doing it anyway.  Take it from someone who has been there — afraid of everything.  Don’t let yourself hide – reach out.  Find your roar!!!

For more information about Personal Growth and Development, please see my book recommendation:  “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth“, by Dr. John C. Maxwell – want to study it together?  Message me!  We will set up a Master Mind Group to discuss!